The Biblical mandates and principles governing the task of the church in edifying and equipping the saints for service; home and hospital visitation; worship; and church ceremonies.
Course Description
The Biblical mandates and principles governing the task of the church in edifying and equipping the saints for service; home and hospital visitation; worship; and church ceremonies.
Course Objectives
Upon course completion, the student should be able to:
- fully explore and affirm their call of God to the ministry,
- understand the necessity of maintaining a balance between the pastor’s personal and professional life
- effectively handle the various pastoral functions of ministry and lead a local church.
Course Requirements
A. Technical RequirementsDownload and install a browser other than Microsoft Internet Explorer. We suggest Firefox or Google Chrome. The E-learning system performs better with Firefox or Google Chrome browsers.
B. Academic Requirements
Lessons : Complete the weekly lessons
1- Pastoral Ministry Report:
Attend two of the following pastor ministry functions. Be observant. Take notes on what the pastor says, how he interacts with people and the overall job he does at meeting the needs of the people in these different situations. Write a two to three page double spaced report on your observations and evaluation of the pastor and the job he did.
- Attend a funeral visitation, funeral, and burial.
- Attend a wedding rehearsal and wedding.
- Visit the hospital with a seasoned pastor
- Visit the nursing home with a seasoned pastor.
- Observe a board or committee meeting you are not required to attend.
- Go on a pastoral home visitation with a seasoned pastor.
- Attend a baptism or dedication ceremony.
- Help set up and assist with a communion
2- Book Summary.
Write a 4 to 6 pages summary of the first section of Toler’s book (Practical guide to pastoral ministry). Your should (1) state the key points of each chapter within the section, (2) state the most important lessons you learned through reading the section, and (3) point out areas or questions that deterse further reading or research, in your opinion.
3- Complete each quiz.
Grading Scale
A = 94-100 Excellent
B = 84 – 93 Above Average
C = 74 – 83 Average
D = 64 – 73 Below Average
F = 63 & Below Failure
The Biblical Basis for Pastoral Ministry
Lesson 1 – 2 – Pastoral Responsibility
Lesson 3 – The Call to the Pastoral Ministry
The Individual that God Uses in Pastoral Ministry
The Challenge of the Pastoral Ministry
Lesson 4 – The Heart of the Pastor
Lesson 5 – The Example of the Pastor
Lesson 6 – Balanced Pastoral Ministry
The Personal Disciplines of Pastoral Ministry
Lesson 7 – The Pastor’s Schedule
Lesson 8 – The Pastor’s Study
Lesson 9 – The Pastor’s Apparel, Poise and Mannerisms
Lesson 10 – Ethical Conduct for Pastors
Lesson 11-12 – Ministerial Confidentiality
The Public Functions of Pastoral Ministry
Lesson 13 – Administering Water Baptism
Lesson 14 – Administering Communion
Lesson 15 – Dedication of Infants
Lesson 16 – Pre-Marital Counseling
Lesson 17 – Performing Weddings
Lesson 18 – Handling Funerals
Lesson 19 – Hospital Visitation
Other Functions of Pastoral Ministry
Lesson 20 – Church Discipline
Lesson 21 – Training a Pastoral Team
Lesson 22 – Pastoring through Small Groups
Lesson 23 – Working with an Eldership
Lesson 24 – The Pastor’s Family
Required Textbook
Toler, S. (2012). Practical guide for pastoral ministry. Indianapolis, IN: Wesleyan Publishing House.
ISBN: 978-0898276121
