Course Requirements
Technical Requirements: Download and install a browser other than Microsoft Internet Explorer. We suggest Firefox or Google Chrome.
The E-learning system performs better with Firefox or Google Chrome browsers.
Academic Requirements:
Lessons (25%) – Complete the lessons, including the short quiz at the end of each lesson, there are any.
Final exam (25%)
Bible Reading Reports (30%). Read Genesis-Kings as assigned. You should use a modern translation (not a paraphrase), e.g., RSV, NASB, NKJV, NIV, NRSV, etc
Textbook chapter summary ( 20%). Write a 5 -7 pages summary of a chapter from Waltke’s book. Choose from chapters 7 through 24
Grading Scale
A = 94-100 Excellent
B = 84-93 Above Average
C = 74-83 Average
D = 64-73 Below Average
F = 63 & Below Failure