This module presents our model example, Jesus Christ, and explores His discipleship methods, Learning from His methods, a five-phase discipleship model is introduced and explained. The five phases of discipleship are as follows: 1) Coming to Jesus, 2) Following Jesus, 3) Being Like Jesus, 4) Abiding in Jesus, and 5) Going for Jesus- Enemies, and obstacles to discipleship are also explored, with the accompanying spiritual counteractions.
The Leader’s Example provides seven sessions which are ah designed to help leaders learn and
implement discipleship in their lives – maturing and refining their heart and character in order to become more like our ultimate examples Jesus Christ.
Main Objective
The object of this module is to help ministry leaders become more like our model example. Jesus Christ. This is accomplished by examining the discipleship model of Jesus, walking through the five phases of discipleship, ana overcoming the obstacles to discipleship.